
7 Tips for bodybuilding exercises at home

Improve the appearance of our body is a goal that many of us strive . There are many tangible benefits in bodybuilding. Aside from aesthetics, strength training can also boost your confidence.
Participate in this activity can be a daunting task. Can have serious budget and time constraints . It is for these reasons that many people choose to do strength exercises in the comfort of your own home . If you decide to do the same , read the following tips to ensure your success in bodybuilding.
Leave enough space .
Training exercises require the use of equipment such as dumbbells, barbells , weight, exercise mat and maybe a rowing machine . These items all take up space in the use and storage. Make sure you have enough space for the equipment you want to buy . Also have a place in your home with enough space so you can safely and effectively .
Learn the basics first .
You may be too pumped for their enthusiasm and first forget basic exercises. Never jump into bodybuilding exercises and weight lifting movements if you have not been a fan of exercise. Do stretching exercises basic and necessary a few days before you start your bodybuilding program .
Stick to your own training program .
Bodybuilding is more complicated than you think . That's why people take the time to do it in gyms . Even if a professional trainer is not possible for most people , it can work in an exercise routine of books and articles on the Internet. Read articles written by experts so you can get an idea of ​​how to go about training.
Include the main elements.
As you probably know , the fitness centers in major parts of the body . This means that your training should be full of exercises focusing on the abdomen , upper and lower body . Upper body exercises focus on the arms , shoulders , back and chest , while the routines of lower body focuses on legs and calves. By incorporating a rowing machine in your workout , you will receive a full body workout .
Do not forget to ask around.
Participate in online forums about bodybuilding and ask members for their information. No I have to admit that you are not familiar with some fear . However, we must also take into account that all the tips apply to your particular situation. Whenever possible , try to dissect the board so it is important to you.
Watch what you eat .
The exercises have no effect if your diet is full of foods rich in cholesterol and unhealthy . Suitable forage that bodybuilders should eat grass like you. There are many free downloadable athletes and people concerned about their bodies internet menu .Take advantage of these resources.
Remember to stay disciplined.
Since you do not have a coach to remind you of things you can not count yourself. Be your own coach. Do you exercise regularly and watch your diet . Go a day of exercise is not good for self -discipline. Stay motivated by setting small goals and then reward yourself as you realize each new target.


Bench press technique

This basic training of most men is still the best way to build a powerful chest

       Grasp the bar with hands width greater than shoulder. Your knees should be bent at 90 ˚, feet flat on the floor and head and shoulders supported by banks.
       Prepare your core muscles and get the shoulder blades
       Lift the bar off the rack and hold directly above your chest.
       Slowly lower the bar to the chest and push back hard.
       Keep a natural arch of the back.


Should you have a bike fitting?

MF’s Nick Hutchings goes for a proper bike fitting. Will it 

make a difference to his triathlon times?

I race triathlons for almost five years and there is little I have done the race with a bike that actually is configured correctly for me. It made me realize that I might have done in previous races on the tricycle for children.

In Jenson Triathlon last month I put in my best time ever cycling sprint button (28min 31sec has exactly four minutes faster than my previous PB) and I realized the bike was great - if not greater - Factor I from achieving my target time of 2h 25min on an Olympic distance.

Getting a good fit is not a quick process - it took almost three hours to get to Velosport in Putney, London. However, anyone who is serious about the race is recognized that this is a small price to pay.

Knowing Adam Stone Velosport motorcycle installer made ​​sure I left the session with a full understanding of why my new driving position could help me get the most out of the bike. After my first lap I felt really less pressure on the lower back - a problem I have struggled with. This could have been because I wanted to believe in the work of Adam made ​​the difference, but the result of my career to Jenson Button Tri is, in my opinion, the ultimate test. I hope to crush my previous PB Olympic distance when I'm at Hever Castle Tri in September.


10 minute workout: holiday fitness

With this 10 minute fitness routine, you can keep in shape while you’re on holiday

These four simple moves will work your arms, legs and buttocks, in the privacy of your hotel room, so no chance to get home from your holiday more curves than when left.


Warm up with a few minutes of star jumps or go for a quick run along the beach, and then make each move one after another. Once the circuit is complete, repeat two more times, before cooling off with arms and legs extended, ensuring that you have every move for at least 20 seconds. After that, just enter your sarong and sunscreen and go enjoy the sun.

Complete three sets of each circuit, taking a rest as possible between each.

Split Squat
Reps: 10 each legWork: the thighs, hamstrings, lower and center
Standing a few feet in front of a chair or bed and extend your right leg behind you so that your toes are placed on the seat. Keep your hips and torso straight and square shoulders, slowly lower into a slot in which you drop the right knee on the floor.
When the knee is placed around two or three inches above the ground, push down on the heel of his left foot and return to the starting position.

Triceps on the chair
Reps: 15Work: the triceps and shoulders
Sit on the edge of a chair or bed and place your palms down the side of the thighs, fingers gripping the edge.
Place your feet on the floor in front of you, with your knees bent. Then, keeping your arms straight, shuffle forward until her hips and bottom are in front of the chair
Bend your elbows and lower your hips until your arms are parallel to the floor. Then press the start.

Squats with a towel

Reps: 20Works: Core, legs, buttocks, shouldersand the top
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, feet parallel.
Take a rolled towel with your hands shoulder width apart, and rise above so that your shoulders are in line with your heels.
Bend your knees and push the bottom as you squat down as far as possible, without letting your knees extend beyond your toes. Push through your heels to return to standing.

Freehand pushups
Reps: 5 each armWorks: shoulders, arms, chest and core
In a press top middle position, with your knees on the floor, place your hands under your shoulders, fingers forward and putting a hand on a book or other large object. Bend the elbow, chest floor descent.
Engage your heart and spend the heels of your hands to straighten your arms and return to the starting position.


Green tea weight loss

Want to ditch coffee and get healthy? Make green tea your drink of choice

Although green tea contains some caffeine levels, the amount is less than what is found in coffee, so this is a good way out of the most difficult. It is also a weight loss wonder, health and performance boost Enhancer - no wonder that all the A-listers in their caddies Chuck! Do the same and you could reap the benefits. Here are six reasons why you should drink green tea.

1) Boost your metabolism Drinking green tea may increase your metabolism and reduce body fat and weight – it’ll also help to keep you hydrated, which is vital for maintaining a healthy metabolic rate.

2) More benefits than your diet cola Think ‘diet’ means ‘better’? Think again. Guzzling diet versions of fizzy drinks can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in women by a huge 60 per cent, according to a new study by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in France. It’s thought that aspartame, the artificial sweetener used in diet soda, has a similar negative effect on blood glucose to the sucrose used in ordinary soft drinks. Swap your can of diet or regular cola for a cup of green tea for a beverage with serious benefits.

3) Reduce your risk of stroke Sipping on a cup of green tea every day could slash the risk of stroke by up to a third, according to the latest large-scale study. We’ll pop the kettle on for that!

4) The fat-burner This waist-trimming tea is crammed with antioxidants called catechins and just enough caffeine to give you a buzz without leaving you wired. A study published in the journal Obesity found that EGCG, a powerful compound in the brew, helped slow down weight gain.

5) Better runs Brew up a cup of green tea for faster, longer runs. Research from Colorado State University found that the tea’s main antioxidant, EGCG, can improve your V02 max – a measure of how efficiently your body uses oxygen.

6) Memory aid Green tea doesn’t just help your heart and ward off wrinkles. A pot of the fragrant brew can also help sharpen your memory. A study by the Third Military Medical University in China found EGCG also helps to improve cognitive function by boosting the generation of neural progenitor cells.


Top muscle tips

Follow these 15 rules and you'll get bigger muscles. Don't, and you won't

 For good posture you need to do a higher ratio of exercises for your back than your chest and shoulders

1 Stabilise yourself

Before embarking on a program of heavy lifting, your body needs to be prepared. Your stabilizer muscles that support the larger muscles should be strengthened first.

"I tell my students that you can not lift that can stabilize," says Sean Singleton, David Lloyd trainer experience. You should spend four to six weeks in this stage before starting to lift heavier weights. Training usually involves stabilizing muscles to lift lighter weights in an unstable environment.

Do bench press on a Swiss ball is an example. You should do 12-15 reps per set. If you skip this step, your big muscles become stronger than the stabilizing muscles and cause injury.

2 Cycle your workouts

 After the initial stabilization phase, you need to enter the construction phase of training (also called "hypertrophy"). "For four to six weeks, you should lift heavier weights eight to 12 repetitions, two to three sets per exercise and eight exercises per workout," says the former bodybuilder and fitness expert Jason Anderson MF.

You should then move to the phase of strength training for the next four weeks tosix. You'll need to lift heavier weights for a maximum of six representatives. Then go back to the stabilization phase, for a very important reason: "Because you are working aerobically, develop new networks of capillaries in muscle, providing more energy. Otherwise, your muscles increase, but its power source will not be the creating a scene of hungry, "says Anderson.

3 Balance your body

Your body will stop building too much muscle itself in an area if the opposing muscle is not strong enough. For example, even if you spend hours bench pressing you will not build huge chest muscles if you neglect your back muscles - your body will not let you create a muscular and asymmetric.

"Remember that gravity is already bearing down on you and put you in a squat. This means that a good position to do a higher level of back exercises for your chest and shoulders, the report said Singleton.

4 Go big to get big

The exercises of the great multi-muscle like squats, deadlifts and pull-ups are the most effective to build new muscles. "These compound exercises use more muscles and have higher demands on the body," said Singleton. "They also burn more calories, which helps your muscle mass to stay thin. Our studies have shown that up to 50 percent more to burn calories simple muscle exercises.

5 Change your life

"Making small changes in lifestyle viable and stick to it, like drinking more water," said Singleton. "The muscle is 70 percent water, so if you are properly hydrated, you will be able to work harder and get better results. Other changes that you can easily include eating good food in complex carbohydrates, such as cereals and vegetables and avoid alcohol binge as it breaks down muscle.

6 Increase the tension

"Muscle-building is not the weight, it is the tension," says Anderson. If you want bigger muscles, you must focus on the efforts of their muscles are not the number of pounds on the bar. "The idea of ​​eight to 12 repetitions per set for muscle building is based on the" two seconds and two seconds short of "count. This means that you have four seconds voltage representative for a total of 48 seconds to adjust the voltage.

7 Fuel your growth

Embark 1.5 g of protein per pound of your body weight and make sure you eat enough carbohydrates for your energy needs inside and outside the gym. Go for unprocessed whole grain carbohydrates. Fish and poultry are ideal for protein, but they also have a couple of servings of red meat per week to get your creatine, which helps muscle growth, "says Singleton. If you can not get enough protein, try a supplement protein to fill the void. But these must be added to foods, not replacements, Anderson said.

 8 Push harder every session

 To maintain muscle growth you need to stay one step ahead and constantly increase their effort. This could mean that the amount of weight you lift or the number of reps you do in a year. "Try to improve your performance each time you exercise, if only for a representative. Never again," says Lisa Posel, personal training instructor in the third space of the room. Keep an exercise journal to track your progress. Beware of hard work, but given the weight you lift down, because it is a sign of overtraining.

9 Keep it intense

Your goal is to exhaust all muscle fibers within the target for the end of the training groups. If you go to rest too long, allow the muscle to recover too much and never reach exhaustion. Between sets, rest of the amount of time it takes for one year (or a little more). "With my clients, I am looking for 30-90 seconds between sets," said Singleton.

 10 Stop after an hour

Each workout should begin with a cardiovascular warm ten minutes, which may include warm-up exercises that are about to make series, using light weights. Once started lifting weights seriously only about 40 minutes until the body's available energy (glycogen), which is stored in muscles and the liver is depleted. This means that you should limit your workouts to an hour. "In addition to testosterone, which is the natural growth hormone in the body, stops secreting after about 45 minutes of high intensity exercise, Singleton said. Whether you work longer, you feel tired, but his response tails off muscle if you get more benefits.

11 Work out at least twice a week

If you do a full body workout and using many muscle exercises, you can get away with doing two training sessions per week. "If you divide sessions for specific body parts, you can increase this to four or five times a week, but make sure that the volume of this exercise is not too high. Only five or six years ago," says Singleton.

12 Get your rest

Give your muscles time to recover and grow is at least as important as lifting weights first. Rest individual muscle groups for 48 hours before the train again. "After an intense session, you get a massive increase in hormones that cause hunger and sleep, Anderson said. Sleep is an essential component of any muscle building program. Ideally sleep eight hours each night.

13 Keep doing cardio

"The problem with exercise is that technically cardio is counter-productive to building muscle, but it is still essential to maintain a healthy heart," says Anderson. You do not have to hammer, though. "Three sessions of 20 minutes per week of moderate cardio, with a level of effort of six out of ten is sufficient and there is no negative impact on your muscle mass.

14 Fail on the last set, not before

Workouts often refer to cause it to fail. The idea is that the last of the series that is struggling to lift the weight and would be unable to complete the other. It is good practice, but it should not reach the fault until the last game of the workout this muscle. "If you can not go beyond a complete then first muscle and burned, so you will not have enough time under tension training to be effective," says Anderson.

15 Avoid stretching afterwards

Remain flexible guard against injury and extends the range of motion of muscles. But stretching, which maintains a stretch of ten seconds or more static, should be avoided in the same session as heavy lifting. "The microscopic tears intentionally during weight training can be extended by stretching, static muscle damage also said Posel." Dynamic stretching before is fine, but do not really need to do if you do a good warm up.


Best biceps workout

Strengthens biceps and improve your upper body strength with these six movements

This is the best biceps training to add mass and strength building with six shots each selected for its effectiveness.

Each session should last 35 minutes, including warm.

When targeting a muscle must wait five days between workouts. Do this exercise once a week and up to two full body workouts in the same week, allowing 48 hours of rest between each.

Use a weight that allows you to complete each repetition, but pushed to its limits in recent years.

Spend five to ten minutes on a piece of cardio equipment and then do some body weight exercises to get your muscles.

Take a second to lift the weight, pause at the top of a second target for contraction, then take two or three seconds to lower. Each set should take 40-60 seconds.

Allow 60 seconds between sets and rest for two or three minutes between exercises.