
Top muscle tips

Follow these 15 rules and you'll get bigger muscles. Don't, and you won't

 For good posture you need to do a higher ratio of exercises for your back than your chest and shoulders

1 Stabilise yourself

Before embarking on a program of heavy lifting, your body needs to be prepared. Your stabilizer muscles that support the larger muscles should be strengthened first.

"I tell my students that you can not lift that can stabilize," says Sean Singleton, David Lloyd trainer experience. You should spend four to six weeks in this stage before starting to lift heavier weights. Training usually involves stabilizing muscles to lift lighter weights in an unstable environment.

Do bench press on a Swiss ball is an example. You should do 12-15 reps per set. If you skip this step, your big muscles become stronger than the stabilizing muscles and cause injury.

2 Cycle your workouts

 After the initial stabilization phase, you need to enter the construction phase of training (also called "hypertrophy"). "For four to six weeks, you should lift heavier weights eight to 12 repetitions, two to three sets per exercise and eight exercises per workout," says the former bodybuilder and fitness expert Jason Anderson MF.

You should then move to the phase of strength training for the next four weeks tosix. You'll need to lift heavier weights for a maximum of six representatives. Then go back to the stabilization phase, for a very important reason: "Because you are working aerobically, develop new networks of capillaries in muscle, providing more energy. Otherwise, your muscles increase, but its power source will not be the creating a scene of hungry, "says Anderson.

3 Balance your body

Your body will stop building too much muscle itself in an area if the opposing muscle is not strong enough. For example, even if you spend hours bench pressing you will not build huge chest muscles if you neglect your back muscles - your body will not let you create a muscular and asymmetric.

"Remember that gravity is already bearing down on you and put you in a squat. This means that a good position to do a higher level of back exercises for your chest and shoulders, the report said Singleton.

4 Go big to get big

The exercises of the great multi-muscle like squats, deadlifts and pull-ups are the most effective to build new muscles. "These compound exercises use more muscles and have higher demands on the body," said Singleton. "They also burn more calories, which helps your muscle mass to stay thin. Our studies have shown that up to 50 percent more to burn calories simple muscle exercises.

5 Change your life

"Making small changes in lifestyle viable and stick to it, like drinking more water," said Singleton. "The muscle is 70 percent water, so if you are properly hydrated, you will be able to work harder and get better results. Other changes that you can easily include eating good food in complex carbohydrates, such as cereals and vegetables and avoid alcohol binge as it breaks down muscle.

6 Increase the tension

"Muscle-building is not the weight, it is the tension," says Anderson. If you want bigger muscles, you must focus on the efforts of their muscles are not the number of pounds on the bar. "The idea of ​​eight to 12 repetitions per set for muscle building is based on the" two seconds and two seconds short of "count. This means that you have four seconds voltage representative for a total of 48 seconds to adjust the voltage.

7 Fuel your growth

Embark 1.5 g of protein per pound of your body weight and make sure you eat enough carbohydrates for your energy needs inside and outside the gym. Go for unprocessed whole grain carbohydrates. Fish and poultry are ideal for protein, but they also have a couple of servings of red meat per week to get your creatine, which helps muscle growth, "says Singleton. If you can not get enough protein, try a supplement protein to fill the void. But these must be added to foods, not replacements, Anderson said.

 8 Push harder every session

 To maintain muscle growth you need to stay one step ahead and constantly increase their effort. This could mean that the amount of weight you lift or the number of reps you do in a year. "Try to improve your performance each time you exercise, if only for a representative. Never again," says Lisa Posel, personal training instructor in the third space of the room. Keep an exercise journal to track your progress. Beware of hard work, but given the weight you lift down, because it is a sign of overtraining.

9 Keep it intense

Your goal is to exhaust all muscle fibers within the target for the end of the training groups. If you go to rest too long, allow the muscle to recover too much and never reach exhaustion. Between sets, rest of the amount of time it takes for one year (or a little more). "With my clients, I am looking for 30-90 seconds between sets," said Singleton.

 10 Stop after an hour

Each workout should begin with a cardiovascular warm ten minutes, which may include warm-up exercises that are about to make series, using light weights. Once started lifting weights seriously only about 40 minutes until the body's available energy (glycogen), which is stored in muscles and the liver is depleted. This means that you should limit your workouts to an hour. "In addition to testosterone, which is the natural growth hormone in the body, stops secreting after about 45 minutes of high intensity exercise, Singleton said. Whether you work longer, you feel tired, but his response tails off muscle if you get more benefits.

11 Work out at least twice a week

If you do a full body workout and using many muscle exercises, you can get away with doing two training sessions per week. "If you divide sessions for specific body parts, you can increase this to four or five times a week, but make sure that the volume of this exercise is not too high. Only five or six years ago," says Singleton.

12 Get your rest

Give your muscles time to recover and grow is at least as important as lifting weights first. Rest individual muscle groups for 48 hours before the train again. "After an intense session, you get a massive increase in hormones that cause hunger and sleep, Anderson said. Sleep is an essential component of any muscle building program. Ideally sleep eight hours each night.

13 Keep doing cardio

"The problem with exercise is that technically cardio is counter-productive to building muscle, but it is still essential to maintain a healthy heart," says Anderson. You do not have to hammer, though. "Three sessions of 20 minutes per week of moderate cardio, with a level of effort of six out of ten is sufficient and there is no negative impact on your muscle mass.

14 Fail on the last set, not before

Workouts often refer to cause it to fail. The idea is that the last of the series that is struggling to lift the weight and would be unable to complete the other. It is good practice, but it should not reach the fault until the last game of the workout this muscle. "If you can not go beyond a complete then first muscle and burned, so you will not have enough time under tension training to be effective," says Anderson.

15 Avoid stretching afterwards

Remain flexible guard against injury and extends the range of motion of muscles. But stretching, which maintains a stretch of ten seconds or more static, should be avoided in the same session as heavy lifting. "The microscopic tears intentionally during weight training can be extended by stretching, static muscle damage also said Posel." Dynamic stretching before is fine, but do not really need to do if you do a good warm up.


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