
Superset workouts for strength

Superset your exercises to pack on muscle in just four weeks

 Inside every man there is a bigger man just waiting to get out. Don’t believe us? You will if you follow this workout plan, which is designed to build your body by using supersets to work every major muscle group quickly and effectively.

In a superset, you perform two exercises back to back without a rest. This will help your muscles to develop in harmony and avoid injuries. You move straight from one exercise to another, so set the equipment up before you start to avoid messing around with kit mid-set. And because you slash the time you spend resting, you'll be out of the gym in double-quick time.

Do all Workouts A-C (see above left) once a week each, leaving at least a day between them to recover. Rest for 90 seconds between each superset. After four weeks you’ll find you have a bigger, better body.


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